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Phase-Change Switch Workshop on Neuromorphic Computing December 17, 2020

You are warmly invited to attend this online event hosted by IBM.

Your are welcome to forward this invitation to your

interested co-workers and consortium members

For downloading the program in pdf format please press on: flyer

New article in IEEE Microwave Magazine

A new article including VO2 reconfigurable inductors& more was published in IEEE Microwave Magazine by Nanolab

New article including VO2 reconfigurable inductors in IEEE Access

A new article including VO2 reconfigurable inductors was published in IEEE Access by Nanolab

New article in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

A new article on Ge-doped VO2 RF characteristics was published by Nanaolab and AMO in the ACS journal

New UCAM article!

The UCAM article "Influence of precursor dose and residence time on the growth rate and uniformity of vanadium dioxide thin films by atomic layer deposition " was published inJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 737109 (PHASE-CHANGE SWITCH).